Tag: Yard

Tag: Yard

The Nest in the Baby Peach Tree

A baby peach tree is growing in my chiropractor’s yard in Durango. He and his wife bought it from a nursery and planted it beside a walkway that runs through part of their yard. The yard also contains a fenced garden, hollyhocks bursting with blossoms, and a variety or healthy trees, bushes and flowers. Every

Bird Nursery in a Tree

My neighbors have an oriental arborvitae tree, that looks to me like a tall bushy pine, which grows over my fence. It has become a nursery for different kinds of doves. The first doves I noticed were two small blue and gray birds that kept flying in and out of a small entrance way among

Find a Tree to Help this Fall

Do you have trees in your yard? Are there trees in your neighborhood? If you don’t have trees nearby, perhaps there are trees around your school. If you can find a nearby tree where it is safe for you to spend some time, take a notebook and a pen or pencil with you. Sit under