Don’t Give Up

Perky leaves sprout from trunk of silver maple tree

Leaves sprout from silver maple trunk

I saw a silver maple tree in Durango, Colorado with many leaves growing around the bottom of its trunk. They sprouted there as though they were happy, perky children of the big tree. I don’t know what will happen to those sprouting leaves, but they looked happy to be alive.

Nature is like that, always bursting with the desire for new life. That can make extra work for people who take care of gardens, yards, nature centers and other places where plants grow. Sometimes sprouting baby trees have to be pulled up because they’re taken root in a spot that isn’t healthy for them or for the people who live in or use that area.

Other times, a young sprouting plant takes root in a place that works well for it and for others. Then that plant has a good chance to thrive.

It’s kind of like life. Sometimes we get so excited about wanting to extend ourselves that we expand into an area that isn’t suitable. Instead of getting discouraged, we just need to think about what we want to do and where we want to go before we actually do it. Planning ahead can make the difference between succeeding and falling flat on our faces.

Just don’t give up. Keep that sense of excitement that makes you want to move forward and try new things. Think through your ideas before you plunge ahead. Then you’ll be more likely to succeed.

Remember: don’t give up. Keep trying to do the things you love to do, and eventually you will find success.

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