The Nest in the Baby Peach Tree

Baby peach tree sports nest

Baby peach tree thrives and even has a nest

A baby peach tree is growing in my chiropractor’s yard in Durango. He and his wife bought it from a nursery and planted it beside a walkway that runs through part of their yard. The yard also contains a fenced garden, hollyhocks bursting with blossoms, and a variety or healthy trees, bushes and flowers.

Every day my chiropractor and his wife encircle the baby tree and tell it how much they love it. It’s not surprising that the tree is thriving.

There is something a little unusual about the baby tree, however. Nestled between two branches sits an abandoned bird’s nest. On a walk one day, my chiropractor found the nest up in a tree. It had not been used for a very long time, and there were no feathers or any other signs of bird life in or around the nest.

He lifted the nest out of the tree, took it home, and placed it in the fork of the baby peach tree. Then he waited to see how long it would take his wife to notice it was there. About a week later, she spied the nest. He had fun watching when she discovered it. He grinned a little as he related what he’d done.

Now that baby peach tree is not only daily surrounded by loving words and thoughts, but it also has a bird’s nest in it. Some day when that peach tree has grown tall, it may be the home to several live nests that provide safe places for mother and father birds to raise their families.

There’s no doubt that tree will eventually become a tall, healthy, mature tree bursting with peaches. How could it not? It is surrounded by so much love and gentle humor that it vibrates with life.

The lucky little peach tree reminds me that when we surround trees, flowers and other plants in our yards with love we are bound to help them thrive. Because, after all, what everyone, human or plant, really wants is to be loved.

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